Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Tuesday Track

I'm hoping to see some IMPROOOOOVEMENT that's why I'm logging my track workouts. And of course because I love reading everyone else's track. But honestly, ya'll keep your 400's on the down lo. Like some dirty little secret. What's the big deal? Spill it!! I could read splits all day. LOVE it!

Well, this marked my last 8am track workout. Too hot. Dangerous hot. Dizzy, Dehydration. I'll either move it to 6:00 am or maybe night. Not sure.

I did :
2 mile warm up

400: 1:18
200 jog recovery
600: 2:04
400 jog recovery
400: 1:21
200 jog recovery
600: 2:05

600 recovery

400 jog recovery
600: 2:08 (oops)
400 jog recovery
800: 2:54
400 jog recovery

1 mile cool down

My goal race is in 3 weeks. I want a sub 40 10k----> read 39:59! I'm not so sure it's possible from the looks of things. I do 1 10k a year. Last year at the same race I did 40:28. We shall see!

So I wanted to get a post track pic. So I put the camera on the bleachers. I set auto timer and stood back and got this:
someone was coming! I had to walk and pretend to adjust my shorts. lol

Then they went by and I this:
I'm quite happy because this was my 6th day of running  (run 6 out of 7 days) and concluded 60 miles for me. The day before I was staggering on a recovery run. So any thing 5ish pace made me happy.

Till next time party on peeps!


  1. Ugh to be Honest I never hit the track ;)

    Every workout is out on the road...

    You want to know my staple workouts?

    1)Long Run: 18-20 <--- 1 Time a week

    2)Tempo: 8-12 miles at marathon tempo ...if I can hit that I'm ready to rock <--- 1 Time a week

    3)Threshold Runs: 8-10 1000@threshold pace <--- 1 Time a week

    The rest of the runs are easy and just to beef up my mileage!

  2. then again i only train for 10k-marathon so nvmd!

  3. Reminds me of when I was running sub 40-s. I was doing my workouts on the
    Methodist college track in the summer afternoons and hitting my 400's in about 75-80. You're ready.

  4. You are movin'. I would like to be hitting your times by year's end.

  5. 75? Awe geez Joey..I'll keep that in mind!

  6. Dang Benny! That is one hell of a long ass tempo! Considering your speed. But clearly this is working! Keep cranking it out!! Love your new more full time blog!
