Wednesday, September 14, 2011

X-ray Eve

Hola mi Amorcitos!

Two great things:

1. I have 6 week follow up x-rays on my tibia stress fx tomorrow &

2. It's Miami Hurricane Football season! For my close English speaking friends you know I become bilingual post kick-off on the first game. It's tradition. For my bilingual friends: don't knock the spelling. And for my Spanish only friends, hola. And to those of you at the BP gas station on Buffaloe Road: I know what you're saying to me! Watch it!

So, I am hoping to get approval to start running tomorrow. I'm skipping my morning-o-fitness in hopes of hitting the road soon. We'll see. I'm so jacked from the bike and the pool I need to chill to get my legs back. I'm still doing an hour swim and a 2 hour bike daily, on avg.

I don't have any fitness porn today so you'll have to deal with a bike picture (ha-ha) Someone coined that term. I think it's hysterical:

Hopefully good news tomorrow! Peace out loves..xoxo