Saturday, October 25, 2014

How my returning to running is like a Urinary Tract Infection.

I promise!

Hey Everyone!

I was on a double today and the perfect analogy dawned on me. I have no idea where I come up with this stuff.  I'm going to assume you've had a UTI at some point in your life. Or have heard about them. They remind me of how my return to running has been.

Here's what the medical peeps have to say about UTI' symptoms:

  • A persistent need to urinate,(run) even after you've just gone.(ran)
  • Upon trying to urinate frequently (run doubles), very little urine, (speed) if any comes out.
  • General fatigue. (from pretending you have your old fitness)
  • A potent, bad smell to the urine. (This one is literal. Because we all hate water)
  • Nausea. (from eating too much before a double)

YES!! Running is like a UTI! I would say this applies to most runners when they come off an injury and return to running. But for me this is life. I love to run. I cannot get enough of it. I hate water. And yes, doubles always suck! But I want to run again!! And FASTER!

I'm not even going to try and segue this into another topic! I hope you all have a great weekend!!


Monday, October 20, 2014

3 Tips that will get you on your way to a rocking core!

Hey Everyone!

People are always asking me how I stay motivated to do core work. It seems like we all have the same dilemma. We hate to commit to getting on the floor and struggling. Watching our gut pulsate and quiver for what seems like no reward. I mean, that's core in a nutshell.

BUT!! That's just the beginning! Then it gets easier. You will become stronger. You will feel a 2, 4 and 6 pack evolve. Then the addiction begins! But to get you to the addiction stage I have 3 key tips that are guaranteed to get you on your way:

1. You MUST do core when you wake up. Do it while the house is quiet. While your coffee is brewing. It must be peaceful. Make it part of your waking routine. I know I've expounded this tip before but it's so important.
     *DON'T say you'll do it at night. You won't. Guaranteed. Besides, core with a full day of food in your belly is uncomfortable. You won't keep it up.

2. Treat yourself like a 5 year old. Your job is to do about 20 minutes of core a few times per week. So when you start turning into a pissy pants and making excuses tell yourself this:

     *I will get on the floor to do core. I will stay there for 20 minutes. If I don't do core I have to sit there. Trust me, you'll do some crunches!

(I use the same logic at the gym. Sometimes I sit in my car for 10 minutes and I don't want to go in. I always force myself inside and say in 3rd person to myself, "Sit there and pout if you must, but you're staying there for X amount of time.")

I have never sat on the floor and refused core nor pouted on a bench at the gym. Do it!

3. Do leg lifts to make you humble. They are horribly difficult. You'll make ugly faces. You'll fart. You'll feel like a piece of shit. BUT with time they become so much easier. Almost like walking. You'll have such an appreciation for your new fitness you won't let it go.

I really think you guys should try these tips. I know you're not that defiant! You just need a little nudge!
I really think the Core VS Timeout like a 5 year old method will help. Self discipline!! You guys have got it!!

I hate core pics! But it's only fair. This is a core post. This was yesterday if you're keeping up with my workouts…

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Nothing but CORE!

Hey Guys!!

Happy Sunday! I hope you got your long run in. I did my longest long run post injury: 1 hour 15 mins. I almost got 11 miles. But not quite. I went to the beach for some flat, easy running, but instead I was nailed by the beach winds. But the views in NC are gorgeous!

I used to post my core updates weekly. I quit because I kept doing the same stuff and getting the same results. During my "time off" from running I changed things up a bit. I feel soooo much stronger on the run. Between the glutes, core, abs, hamstrings, quads…it's all adding up.

So I wanted to post my core workout so you guys could maybe copy and feel like a bulldog on the run too! If you're a female in my age group, please disregard. haha

I try to vary it daily but the reps are the same.

*200-400 stability ball crunches
*50-100 leg lifts. I lay on a bench and keep my legs straight and then boost my feet in the air at the top.
*50 Roman chairs or increase leg lifts on the floor if you're at home.
*100 hip thrusts. These actually are core terrorizers! Stability kicks in. I'm using a 60lb barbell with     these now. I'll do an 80lb for the last 10 reps.
*Instead of hip thrusts I'll sometimes do lots of single leg glute bridges with a 10lb plate on my hips.

This takes no time at all. You'll feel stronger and run with better form.

I have to give a shout out to diet here. You've gotta eat the protein. Your muscles won't give a shit unless they are fed correctly. If you do all this and don't eat right it's tantamount to throwing a piece of Bruschetta in a fish tank. A WASTE OF TIME. And turns everything else to shit. The muscles will say buh-bye. I eat 100 grams a day. Just throwing that out there. FEED YOUR BEAST!

Here are some pics:

Mile 1 of my long run.
Single leg glute bridge. I have done 1000's of these. LOVE!
Post long run. Probably the strongest core to date. By feel not look!

Post long run sun

Does this ever get old? NO!

I'm still working on getting photos of my other exercises. It's so much easier to understand with a photo.  I'm kinda liking the beach venue. Maybe I'll drive back and "do it for my blog followers." Such torture!  You guys rock!

Thanks for reading!


Thursday, October 16, 2014

Back to the grind with some thoughtful reflections.

This is serious happiness right here! 

Hey Guys! TGIT! That's what I'm saying today!

YES!! I had one of those runs where everything came together. It all made sense. My patience paid off. My body rewarded my mind. I was cheering myself out loud on the trail. Delerium, I suppose.  It was just a great run!!

Not because it was super fast or long but because I felt everything working. My mind was on fire. My body has healed. Today I was ready. 

You guys know I've been running easy for 2 weeks now. If you're just tuning in I fully fractured my fibula about 7 weeks ago. Complete devastation.  However, now that I'm moving on (YAY) I'm in reflection mode. I sometimes wonder how I maintain my enthusiasm, spirit and fire for a sport that has stolen my legs several times. Yes, I love running..but it's not just me logging the miles. I feel like I have dream team that won't let me fall. 

I can't tell you how much I appreciate all your support and encouragement. You guys always cheer me on. Sub 3 at Boston or a broken leg. There is always someone that says something that makes me smile.  And I never forget a comment! Trust me, I need them when I'm dying on my last .25 of a 23 miler. Thank you! You guys rock!

Yesterday, my Coach said something that got me thinking. Then, I had a massage that left me feeling brand new. I told a few people, "It's happening tomorrow." I was mentally and physically ready to roll! Everything clicked. 

During the past 2 months I have spent endless hours working on itty bitty running specific muscles that were weak. Muscles I didn't know existed. Muscles that will stay strong and keep me away from the MRI tube!  

I would be remiss in not acknowledging my Massage Therapist, John Stiner for his guidance in my recovery. A lot of you guys have been on his table recently. That makes me so happy. As I always tell him: fix my friends!  He's like the spiked Kool-Aid at homecoming. I want everyone to have some! 

John has spent incessant hours keeping my tissues fluid and healthy. He also has provided invaluable knowledge about every fiber of my running being. I get it now. At John's suggestion I have spend many painstaking hours, days and weeks doing strengthening exercises (I will do a post on these). I feel like a different runner. I feel stronger and much more informed. John is more than a LMBT. He will fix you, give you all the info you need to succeed and then set you on fire. Thank you!

The trifecta is complete with the help of my Coach, David Roche. I can't explain how great it is to have David on my side. I don't think, "Coach" is a good enough word. David is beyond that. He has listened to me cry and whine for a weeks now. Despite serving as my grief counselor of late, he has been a source of daily motivation and inspiration. I'm pretty sure if I look back at my training log I will see him giving me the most insane motivation, the type you want to screenshot (and I do!)….minutes before his nuptials. Or from the starting line of his own world class event.  He never misses a beat! If running is 80% mental, then I'm 200% set! 

David has trained me thorough every PR I have from the 5k to 15k in races and some sick stuff on training runs. It's time to roll again! PS. I think David has a few spots left if you're interested in coaching. Now that my drama has resolved he may have more time : ) 

Tomorrow is a scheduled off day. I'm already chomping at the bit! Have a great day guys!! 

Thanks for reading!


and if you're curious. I know you are…lol:

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Week 2 of Comeback Running: The Trials and Tribulations and need for fashion.

Happy Sunday Guys!

I keep attempting to post an update, but I can't capture a consistent emotion to describe the last week of running.  I expected that when I returned to running 5 weeks post fibula fracture I would feel like this:

Days 1-3 sore and slow
Days 4-6 speed back
Days 7-12 marathon pace back.

Instead it's been:

Days 1-3 I can RUN but this hurts like someone beat me.
Days 4-6 Why am I breathing like a water buffalo??
Days 7-12 Love, hate, love, hate…but it's coming around.

I make this face often when I look at my Garmin

So, overall BETTER is the best operative word I can use to describe the past 12 days. Here and there I get glimpses of my old self. It's very hard because part of me wants to behave and run 8 pace. And the other part of me says: Uh, you've never run 8 pace, why start now? So I have settled on mostly 7:30's.

There are 2 camps of people that love to voice their opinion.

CAMP 1: Why are you running so fast so soon? And why are you complaining so much about running my 5k pace? It's insulting.

Dear Camp 1: This is all I know. I have never run a 9 paced training mile in my life.  I'm not insulting any pace. But we all have our go to pace and mine is 6:50-7:10. This does not mean your pace sucks. It means I want my normal, just like you do. I am just as happy for you if you run 5 pace or 13 pace. Whatever makes you happy, makes me happy! Easy peasy. Don't read into it!

CAMP 2: LaBella, what the hell are you doing? Are you going to train already or what?

Dear Camp 2: I know most of you are my sub 2:45 friends. I know you want me back out there as much as I do. I am behaving and following my coaches advice and training schedule. Calm down. Give me a week or 2 more. I'll be right there, promise! We'll do a half soon.

Both camps have passion for our sport. That we can all agree on. There are never any hard feelings. I love you all! Well, most of you. lol.

Today I had my longest run post injury. 1 hour. I ran 8 miles at 7:35 pace. I finished the run in great spirits. Almost giddy. Why? Because I realized I will get to run 3x that distance, plus some AND do so a whole minute faster during my next marathon. That is exciting! I say, "GET" to because I haven't lost it. I still have the drive, passion, focus and slight psychopathic tendencies needed to succeed.

Despite having way too many 0 mile weeks, beat up cardio, and a tight body from my gym addiction I never once thought:

*I'm done
*I don't want this anymore
*I can't do this
*what if I'm not the same?
*what if it happens again?


Instead, I thought:

*how much longer?
*what muscles can I work on to enhance my next training cycle?
*How far do I need to ride my bike to equal a 15 mile run?
*Sodium and sugar are banned substances. I don't need to fight anything else within myself.
*Doubles, I'll do gym doubles.
*How many runs in a G trainer will justify the cost of the shorts?
*I'll nail all stability and balance exercises
*I need a comeback outfit. YES! This is very important. And another blog!

I am sitting here rotating my ankles 10x each way. Flexing my toes up and down. Just waiting. Waiting to experience the euphoria and have that sense of accomplishment I will get from my next long run. (Lord knows, I won't get that from a track workout haha).

Later taters!!


Saturday, October 4, 2014

Baby wants back!

Hey guys!!

I'm super happy to report that I did my 3rd run post fibula fracture today. I'm on a 2 days on/1day off schedule. My calves were a little tight but at least it was bilateral. I ran for 40 minutes at 7:15 avg pace.
I still don't have a feel for where I am fitness wise. I kinda feel the same. But my legs are much stronger so it almost feels like my center of gravity is different. It's hard to explain. But whatever! I'm running!

I told you guys a few posts ago that I started the Bret Contreras glute program from his book.
I've been doing glute bridges and now hip thrusts for about 5-6 weeks. But I just started his 12 week program. I had been stacking plates on my pelvis for the bridges but it was getting uncomfortable.  I transitioned to the bar for hip thrusts and am doing 60lbs. It's heavy for me, but doable.

I do a lot of glute exercises and I'd say that the hip thrust with weight is the best way to get glute activation. I'm also addicted to back extensions holding a 10lb plate.
stuff like this…

Having done 3 good runs after having done 1000's of glute exercises I BEG YOU RUNNERS to work your bum! We all know there is power there. This is a set of 10. It took 40 seconds. I implore you to find time for this 3 days a week. You will feel the difference. You could do these on your couch. C'mon, bums up!!
I know the bench is a few inches too high. It's PF…also turn on audio. lol

*kettle bell swings
*heel ups. (hands and knees and kick up)
*bent over rows with weight
*hip extension machine

Remember you HAVE TO squeeze your butt or you are doing nothing but possibly a knee exercise. I know there is a ton of much better info on youtube but this is where I'm at. I'm curious to see how I feel after the 12 week program. 

Thanks for reading!


Thursday, October 2, 2014

How to keep your fitness alive and work through a broken leg in 38 days.

Best view EVER!

Damn Guys, I am so freaking happy to be back on the run!!! I ran 40 minutes today at 7:45 pace.  I pray and hope this continues. You guys know I worked out 2-3 hours a day for the past 38 days while healing my fractured leg. I feel I deserve a little kick in my stride.

I've broken my legs several times. 1 could have arguably been a stress reaction though. Anyway, I've never felt so good this soon. I'm hopeful!

There are not enough blogs or info in cyberspace on grade 4 fibula fractures. So I wanted to point out some good things to the poor souls who have landed on this blog with the same injury.

*Start to finish 5-6 weeks off running. 38 days for me.

* You can cross train your ass off on the bike and stair mill.

*It hurts like a mother for the first 3 weeks. Suck it up and lie to yourself that you're ok. You'll soon believe it.

*Massage the hell out of the surrounding tissue to avoid Frankenleg when you return to running. If you don't, add 10 days+ for extra healing and go sit in the corner. If you're in the Triangle see my Massage Therapist for best results.

*Scar tissue is real. Fight it. See my Massage Therapist for this too.

*Try to avoid ibuprofen. I can't believe I said that.

*Try not to favor or compensate for the injured leg. Walk like normal. If you start favoring you're going to create more problems.

*I'm gonna say it, just my opinion. Don't wear the boot. I've worn the boot for half of my injuries and I can tell you that the havoc you wreak on your body isn't worth it. I had to spend 2 weeks relearning how to walk about a tibia fracture that was booted. For a fib, my vote is no boot. That's just my opinion. Don't hammer me in the comments : )

*Find a way to feed your crazy. Work on abs, arms, core, balance, diet. Anything. But try to keep your run schedule. I run at 6am 6-7 days a week. I was at the gym at the same time. You need normalcy. Keep your intensity alive. Don't lay on f'ing couch and whine like a little bitch. Get out there and do something. It's just a fibula you silly rabbit!

*You will get depressed on your long run day. It's unavoidable, but fuels your fire. Accept its suckage.

*Feel kind of badass that you broke a bone that is virtually unbreakable. 1/10. I bet you're in good shape!

*Count the days down. Plan your next run. You will get there!

Ok, so that's all I have to say on that. I wish I would have stumbled on this blog a month ago. It's not the end of the world. We will all live to race again!

You guys rock!!!


Wednesday, October 1, 2014

I'm a runner, not a stair climber, dammit!

Aweeee Yeah!!!

This is gonna get good! I feel strong. My bad leg is still present but more on a nuisance level then pain. After 10 minutes I either adjusted to the pain or it went away. I couldn't tell. I was too happy pre-celebrating.

Then I went to the gym and worked out for 90 minutes. Core, stability, abs, arms, butt, hips.

I promise not to run marathon pace tomorrow but I feel I'm sitting on top of a mountain of fitness that I've painstakingly scrapped together over the past 5 weeks. Like I hit the runner lotto. I've busted my bum literally everyday so I have no problem accepting any fitness my legs want to throw down. Within reason of course : )

