Tuesday, July 24, 2012

I love Meb!

Ever since we hung out in Eugene for about uh....6 seconds I've followed Meb's training pretty closely. His dedication and drive is inspiring, yet jaw dropping.

 He posted this video of a training day a few weeks out from London. It is amazing. It will also make you feel like a slack ass, lazy piece of shit. haha...watch the whole thing. he doesn't stop at tempo. And his heart rate is SICK!

So clearly, I'm watching this thinking, hmmm what can I take away from his training? What is it that Meb does that I'm not? What's his secret?

Clearly, this is it!!!

The backbend!
haha..well, Meb has more than a backbend on me but I'm trying to stretch more and thought, why not?
Can't hurt, might help....ya, until I had to get out of this position. Yowsa!!

On a training note I'm still training my ass off for that imaginary 5k that I may do at some point if the weather is right and the course is downhill.

Today I had track. 4x400 @ 77-82 and 3x300 @ 57-58. My long run is 13 miles. Tempo is 6:20 pace and everything else is pretty much 7 flat. 7 days a week for mileage in the low 60's.

Considering the nastiness of humidity and heat we're all getting I'm very proud that I can maintain my running at all.

Well cheers to being halfway through summer and countdown to the Olympics!!!



  1. Actually got some rain today and it cooled down for a bit. Good luck with your training. :-)

  2. I love your back bend ha! clearly that's what you were missing! lol

  3. Ha! Ya the backbend and the 4:30 paced tempo runs. Got one down, check!
